I want to invest in the future of those who need it most.
Your support helps us to reach hardworking people in unserved and underserved regions around the globe. With access to financial services, people can improve the lives of family members, employees and neighbors in critical ways — better nutrition, regular schooling, or simply a roof that doesn't leak.
Donations will support the work of Accion International.
Accion is a global nonprofit committed to creating a financially inclusive world, with a trailblazing legacy in microfinance and fintech impact investing.
View our privacy policy.
Accion International is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. EIN number 13-2535763
If you have questions about donating, feel free to contact the Resource Development team at [email protected], or call 1 202.393.5113 and select option 1 for Resource Development.